Get fit with Smooth Jazz

Don’t lose your health or your head! We present you an exercise routine with the most beautiful music in the world.

The long confinement period of the Covid-19 has forced us to keep fit in the most creative ways possible. From Smooth Hot Jazz we propose 10 songs, with 10 movements for each one, you have to try to complete the list, to the rhythm of Smooth Jazz. Prepared?

Vincent Ingala – Can’t Stop Now

Start dancing, move your whole body. Don’t forget about arms, shoulders, waist, hip, knees and ankles. Take advantage of Ingala’s rhythm to tune up your body and be able to do the rest of the exercises.

Jonathan Fritzén – To the Top

You need to place a chair behind your back. Place the back of your right foot behind you on the bench and the left foot in front of you. Contract the pelvic floor and core. With your knees bent, slowly lower your body down until your right knee almost touches the ground as you inhale. Be sure to keep the right shin perpendicular to the ground avoiding heel rise.

Brian Culbertson – Say What

Standing with a dumbbell in each hand, with the grip in pronation, we will raise one of the arms until we reach the vertical position of the arm, lower it to the initial position and the movement of the other arm begins.

Michael Lington – SHJFestival 2019

Lie on your back with your feet flat on the floor. Place your hands on either side of your hips. Raise your feet together toward the ceiling. Contract the pelvic floor and abdomen. Contracting your abdominal muscles, lift your hips and move your feet toward the ceiling until you separate your lower back from the floor as you exhale

Chris Standring – Don’t talk Dance

From a standing position, we take a long step forward, lowering the hip, and even bringing the knee to a 90º angle. Make sure that the knee of the front leg does not exceed the vertical line of the second toe and keep the body erect at all times.

Adam Hawley – shjfestiv

From the standing position with legs shoulder-width apart, straight trunk and arms slightly semi-flexed by the elbows at the side of the body to maintain balance and favor the jump, lateral jumps are performed falling on the semi-flexed legs. Approximately 4 or 5, first to one side and then to the other. The number of jumps depends on the level of individual preparation.

Spyro Gyra – Morning Dance

We hold a bottle of water with each hand, standing with our feet shoulder-width apart. Keep your elbows close to your sides. Bring the water bottles up to your shoulders.

Paula Atherton – Smooth Hot Jazz Festival

Lie on your back with your legs outstretched and slightly off the floor. Place your hands on either side of your hips. Contract the pelvic floor and abdomen. Make sure you can hold this position for 1 second. Return to the starting position with a gentle movement as you inhale.

Al McKay’s Earth Wind & Fire Experience – September

Sit in a chair with your back straight and place your feet shoulder-width apart. Sit up and get up from the chair while keeping your knees in line with your feet, if it seems easy try to keep up with the song.

George Benson – Give Me The Night

We finish with a little aerobic exercise:

Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. With a jump, spread your feet wider than your shoulders and raise your hands just above your head. With another jump, return to the starting position. Keep your gaze forward.

Grover Washington Jr – Just the two of us

If you’ve made it this far don’t forget to stretch and relax to the groove of Grover Washignton Jr. Congratulations!


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